
Training schedule for NDT during December 2024. to January 2025.

Interaction between candidates and professors on the NDT course at the Welding Institute is essential. In addition to quality, unique energy is brought by the need and desire of candidates to actively participate in training with their experiences and personal aspiration for learning. We are glad that we can answer all questions and that you trust us with the most important thing - knowledge!



Let's continue like this...



Preliminary schedule for NDT courses for the timeframe DECEMBER 2024. to JANUARY 2025.


  1. 02.12. - 06.12.2024. - Visual Testing (VT), level 1+2
  2. 09.12. - 20.12.2024. - Interpretation and grading of welded joints RT-FI (new marking RT-FI, old marking RT-FAS)
  3. 13.01. - 17.01.2025. - Penetrant Testing (PT), level 1+2
  4. 20.01. - 24.01.2025. - Ultrasonic Thickness Testing (UTT)


The condition for each course to take place is a minimum of 5 paticipants. For this reason, it is possible to move the scheduled training dates and organize trainings for other courses if there are enough participants.


NDT courses can be rescheduled for another date if a sufficient number of participants applies.


For additional information and information regarding the training organization of courses that are not listed, feel free to contact us.


The trainings are organized in the premises of the Welding Institute or at the employer’s company if adequate conditions are met and if more than 5 participants applied. The training schedule can be negotiated in this case.


Manager of the Education and Training sector

Uroš Lukić, M. Sc. Mech. Eng. 

E-mail: obrazovanje@zzz.co.rs

Mob.phone: +381 62 802 3281